sâmbătă, 11 mai 2019

intre traire si candoare - between old age and candor

cazusem intre rautati, frustrari si asteptari
si viata-mi era chin si penitenta-n van
zilele imi treceau frunze uscate cautand rigola
traiam mergand cu spatele-inainte, 
lipsindu-ma de viitor

tu m-ai oprit si-n vorbe-ai pus si smirna si aloe
si inimii i-ai spus ca sa ma ierte
mi-ai pus coroana mainilor pe frunte
si impreuna incercat-am suferinta
si gandurile le-am dat la darac

cauta un batran sa-ti spuna ce e viata: 
ca-i paradis si iad in ochiul tau
iar un copil sa-ti spuna cum e ziua
in care te oferi suras si zambet
caci altceva nu ai

trezeste iar la viata copilul ce se zbate-n cusca vietii
si-incepe sa devii batranul intelept
caci viata este darul ce-l primesti din mana-i sfanta
si e pacat pe intristari cu jale sa-l risipesti
gaudeamus igitur

between old age and candor

I fell in the midst of anger, frustration, and expectation
and my life was just torture and penance
my days passed like the dried leaves to the sewer
I was going with my back to the front,
lacking all my future

you stopped me and put the myrrh and aloe
and you told to my heart to forgive me
you put your hand on my forehead like a crown
and together we tried the suffering
analyzing all my thoughts

you have to look for an old man who will tell you what life is:
because for you it's paradise and hell in the same time
and look for a child who tells you about the day
in which you offer yourself as a smile 
because you have nothing else

awakens again the child struggling to live in the cage of life
and you begin to become the wise old man you want to be
because the life is the gift that you receive from His holy hand
and it is a pity to weep him in sorrow and to waste him
gaudeamus igitur

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